Garage Conversions Crays Hill

Garage Conversions in Crays Hill

At City Construction we offer top quality garage conversion.

We can help you build a dream garage conversion to suit all budgets with step by step advice from the first site visit to the last drop of paint on the walls we will assist you every step of the way.


How we work?

We will provide a reliable and efficient service to help save you time and money with minimal stress. All works are completed within a good timescale to the highest of standard ensuring our customers return over and over again along with recommending us to friends and family. We rely on word of mouth for a lot for our extension and conversion works so having satisfied customers makes a big difference.

If you’re looking for a service not listed above, Contact us  as we will be happy to assist you further!

We take on extensions & conversions of all sizes, so contact us today for a free quote today or take a look at the other maintenance and refurbishment services we provide.

Get in touch with us today!
We utilise these systems in tandem with brilliant workmanship to deliver the project of your dreams – whether that involves extensions or barn conversions, we can do it ALL. Good installation protocols are followed to the letter to ensure long-lasting, highly resistant brick retention.

Permitted Development

In some cases we can build your garage conversion under permitted development meaning no planning permission is required. This derives from a general planning permission granted not by the local authority but by Parliament. Bear in mind that the permitted development rights which apply to many common projects for houses do not apply to flats, maisonettes or other buildings. Similarly, commercial properties have different permitted development rights to dwellings.

In some areas of the country, known generally as ‘designated areas’, permitted development rights are more restricted.
Permitted development is restricted in:

  • A Conservation Area
  • A National Park
  • An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
  • A World Heritage Site or
  • The Norfolk or Suffolk Broads
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“City Construction: Elevate value & space. From ground-up builds to renovations, we create structures for homes & businesses. Enhance property value through meticulous restoration. Optimize space with cost-effective loft transformations. Your vision, our expertise.”
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Our Gurantee

City Construction Services guarantees exceptional value. From ground-up construction to meticulous renovations, we enhance property value. Need extra space? Our cost-effective loft transformations deliver functionality and style. Your vision, our expertise.
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We Provide

City Construction Services: Elevate your spaces with our expertise. From ground-up construction based on your vision, to property restoration enhancing value, and cost-effective loft transformations for added functionality. We turn ideas into remarkable structures, boosting value and optimizing space for homes and businesses.